Face Your Peers (2022)
Face Your Peers! is an educational kit that aims to supplement anti-bullying initiatives within all-boys high schools. It was made as a part of my undergraduate thesis project, a study revolving around Understanding and Preventing Reactive Aggression among Adolescent Male High School students. It contains a board game, an educational booklet, question prompt cards, and a check up survey, and is meant to be used in a synchronous guidance session held with three to four students.
Based on the interviews held with the primary stakeholders--which are the male high school students--the lack of engagement and interaction in the anti-bullying initiatives within their schools did not do much to address the issue at hand. As such, the project aims to both educate and engage. Instead of addressing the issue by helping and teaching students individually, its objective is to help them work together, to address the issue systemically.
Style Guide and Branding
Logo Design
Product Design
Adobe Illustrator
The Board Game
The Board Game is the first component of the kit to be used. it aims to act as a creative ice breaker to the session, and its objectives include creatively presenting concepts relating to bullying and reactive aggression to the stakeholders.
Board Game Mat Design and Meeples
Situation Cards
The Educational Booklet
The Educational Booklet contains the necessary and technical information about bullying and reactive aggression. The contents of the booklet are to be taught to the students through a lecture following the ice breaker activity. It aims to connect what they did in the game to the actual information on the matter.
Action Cards
Action Cards
The Question Prompt Cards
The Question Prompt Cards aim to facilitate conversations among the students. More importantly, they aim to direct the post processing session to be held after the different activities. There are three categories in the Question Prompt Card Deck: the Post Processing--which allows them to look back at the session; the Open Forum--which allows them to apologize and communicate openly among each other; and the Positive Reassurance--which allows them to complement and provide moral support to one another.
Question Prompt Cards
The Check Up Survey
The Check Up Survey is the last component of the intervention. It is not meant to be used during the guidance session, but is meant to be disseminated to the students after a significant amount of time has passed since the session took place. The purpose of the survey is to assess whether the intervention was effective in addressing the matter, how much the climate of bullying has changed, and if there is a need to hold the session again.